Give Your Trade Show Display an Extreme Makeover for 2020

Attending trade shows and conferences year after year can get costly very quickly with your trade show display often becoming an oversight. Yeah you might have to pay a pretty penny to rent a booth space at each show, but if your trade show display is lacking, you definitely won’t see a return on your investment. 

Ring in the new year by evaluating your existing trade show display for wear and tear. There’s no need to worry though – you can spruce up your existing display sometimes just as easily as buying a new one, but without the hefty price tag. Your customers will be excited to see the change and will surely be inspired to take a closer look at your booth.

Here’s a few simple tips to give new life to your trade show image with an extreme makeover – trade show edition!

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Easy Thanksgiving Marketing Tips

Thanksgiving is mainly about expressing gratitude for family, friends, food, more food and possibly football. But don’t miss out on the opportunity to market your brand through the holiday as well. Here’s how to get creative with our TOP 5 Thanksgiving marketing tips!

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How To Keep Your Graphic Design Consistent

Deliver your message in line with identity, values, and strategy.

The key principle in life and in business is consistency. Without it you won’t get very far. When it comes to graphic design, consistency is the #1 principle that we tend to violate most frequently. Even the best graphic designers are also guilty of breaking this principle and are not proud to admit it. Before we jump right in, let’s define what brand consistency is.

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Trade Shows: Expectation vs. Reality

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve been to a trade show or consider them to be an important piece of your marketing puzzle.

Trade shows have been around for a long time – The Great Exhibition, held on May 1, 1851, to be exact. There is no doubt the main reason for a trade show is to provide value to both the attendees and the exhibitors involved. But have times changed? Has technology ruined the face-to-face value that trade shows provide to exhibitors and attendees?

Historically speaking, trade shows have always been a great way to enhance your marketing efforts and promote your brand, but have you ever found yourself asking the question:

Are trade shows even worth it these days?

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Put Your Message On Display!

Simple yet effective, our portable banner stands offer a quick and lightweight solution to easily promote brand awareness and make a lasting impression on your customers.

Each of our bannerstands are compact for transportation, but also provide you with a large enough area to display graphics, logos and other images to promote your brand. The big visual impact of our vertical banner stands grab the attention of attendees when set up at the entrance of your trade show booth or quickly engage visitors when entering your retail space.

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Valuable Trade Show Staffing Guidelines

It’s true that the success of any action hinges on how prepared you are.

The benefits you reap at any trade show relies heavily on well trained booth staff and how they interact with prospective clients or attendees on the show floor. Before sending your booth staff out in the field, make sure you’re providing them with the support and training they need.

In this post we’ll give you our best advice and best practices when it comes to choosing staff for your trade show booth, responsibilities of staffers, concerns when preparing your staff for the show floor and budgeting.

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Trade Show Budget: Displays Under $1,000

So you’ve been given the task to search for a new trade show display – we find that very exciting, but you may not.

Chances are you don’t know where to start or even what you want. There’s a lot of things to think about when searching for a trade show display (size, shape, travel friendly, graphics, etc.), but your trade show budget is definitely the most important.

Typically our first question to any of our customers contacting us for a trade show display is “What’s your budget?”. The easiest way to dwindle down your options when searching for a trade show booth is to answer this question first. Consider this: you can’t possibly start your search when buying a car or a house without knowing your budget, right? Well, the same goes for trade show displays.

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Multi-Use Portable Event Displays

Get The Most For Your $$$

Many of our customers purchase portable event displays mainly for use at a trade show, but have you ever thought of utilizing the same display in other ways as well. We realize not all companies also do other face-to-face marketing events such as open houses for real estate companies, pop up shops for retailers, red carpet events or other business-to-business networking events. But have you considered maybe you aren’t doing these other events because your trade show display doesn’t accommodate for the multi-use?

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How To Build Better Brand Awareness

Let’s start with a Brand Awareness Test. Take a few moments review the graphic below.

Brand Awareness for Trade Shows


  1. How long did it take you to recognize these logos?
  2. What makes it easy to recognize brands?
  3. Is the color or style of the logo recognizable enough you don’t even need additional text or the business name to accompany it?

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